Thank you to all who contributed to GEF's 2024 Honor Roll. This program gave parents and families in D34 the opportunity to honor a teacher, administrator or staff member for their hard work and dedication to furthering the education and development of all our students. Your generous donations contribute to GEF's mission to fund innovative educator grants that drive our school community and curriculum to new heights. We thank you all for your continued support.
GEF is proud to honor the following outstanding District 34 staff members!
Listed alphabetically by school, then first name.
Allison Reatherford
Attea Middle School
The Krueger Family
Brittany Koerner
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Danae Ciske
Attea Middle School
Madeline Mandziara
Karen Paszkiewicz
Attea Middle School
Luca Falleroni
Leanne Beauregard
Attea Middle School
Elly Israel
Lisa Garner
Attea Middle School
Smit Vasaiwala
Maila Perona Albrecht
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Megan Weinzierl
Attea Middle School
Mira Sue
Paulette Andrews
Attea Middle School
Stacey Heger
Attea Middle School
The Pollina Family
Amanda Presslak
Glen Grove Elementary
Sunyoung Lee
Jessica Gonzalez
Glen Grove Elementary
Sara Mervis
Glen Grove Elementary
Dylan Hayman
Allison Rothschild
Henking Elementary
Liz Henschen
Emily Tangney
Henking Elementary
Liz Henschen
Evan Kedkidjian
Henking Elementary
The Felter Family
Jenny Schack
Henking Elementary
Avery Parker & Family
Jenny Schack
Henking Elementary
Cynthia Serrato & Clint Rappole
Julie Hock
Henking Elementary
Liz Henschen
Julie Hock
Henking Elementary
Melissa Aaron and Della Friedm
Kristine Von De Bur
Henking Elementary
The Wray Family
Meghan Cassidy
Henking Elementary
Jake Salmon
Molly Orman
Henking Elementary
Quinn Parker & Family
Shalyn Brady
Henking Elementary
Casey Family
Alexandra Virlas
Hoffman Elementary
The Ehehalt Family
Allison Greene
Hoffman Elementary
Gracie Lindholm
Cary Williams
Hoffman Elementary
Dan Polonsky
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Emily Bus
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Katie Apajalahti
Hoffman Elementary
Casey Family
Lisa Ann Cosentino
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Marlyn Briones
Hoffman Elementary
The Heredia Family
Matt Vitacco
Hoffman Elementary
The Heredia Family
Ryan Brokamp
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Caroline Bedell
Lyon Elementary
Noah Poticha
Heather Dernulc
Lyon Elementary
The Share Family
Kayleigh McInerney
Lyon Elementary
Bo Koch
Kristi Miller
Lyon Elementary
Natalie Aronow
Lyon Elementary
Vivian Martin
Stefanie Shefler
Lyon Elementary
Jessica Pritzker
Eitan Chitman
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
The Share Family
Eva Ginis
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Lynne Shutan
Julie Partyka
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Lisa Cronk
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Shamim Patel
Lisa Cronk
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Benjamin Stuebe
Rita Freidag
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Lynne Shutan
Ashley Ubik
Springman Middle School
Colleen Lueder
Springman Middle School
The Pretty Family
Danielle Danno
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Elena Caracci
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Emma Kearns
Springman Middle School
Silas Sadens
Jenna Bauer
Springman Middle School
Matthew Garcia
Joe Guzman
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Julie Sullivan
Springman Middle School
James Murphy
Ken Malatesta
Springman Middle School
Megan Chin
Springman Middle School
Buffy Sallee
Nicole Wilkerson
Springman Middle School
Franklin Borree and Family
Sean Kelley
Springman Middle School
Lewk and Justin Schiestel
Angela Howard
Westbrook Elementary
The Karagiorgos Family
Dawn Jansen
Westbrook Elementary
Amanda and David Hart
Jennifer Buchta
Westbrook Elementary
Soupos Family
Kacie Bratko
Westbrook Elementary
Soupos Family
Kacie Bratko
Westbrook Elementary
Dhyana Brummel
Laura Gean
Westbrook Elementary
Dhyana Brummel
Rachel Savage
Westbrook Elementary
Lara Chennareddy
Allison Reatherford
Attea Middle School
Bruce Leinbach
Attea Middle School
Mira Sue
Diane Kaneshiro
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Kathy Morley
Attea Middle School
Oana Spuza
Lisa Downey
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Lola Rascon
Attea Middle School
Luca Falleroni
Maura Stanton
Attea Middle School
Misha Quintana
Attea Middle School
Claudia Lehene
Sara Harwell
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Eric Miller
D34 Administration
Gina Milanesio
Aurora Joaquin
Glen Grove Elementary
Soupos Family
Katherine Ellison
Glen Grove Elementary
The Moll Family
Susan Spreckman
Glen Grove Elementary
Soupos Family
Antonio Galvan
Henking Elementary
Lau Family
Erica Swinney
Henking Elementary
Lucy Lindholm
Geri Kenneally
Henking Elementary
Jessica Gebauer
Jenny Schack
Henking Elementary
Lau Family
Joanne Kim
Henking Elementary
S Tenorio
Julie Hock
Henking Elementary
Cynthia Serrato & Clint Rappole
Kristen Sink
Henking Elementary
The Woodford Family
Marisa Koob
Henking Elementary
Liz Henschen
Michelle Chrul
Henking Elementary
Jessica Gebauer
Sarah Richards
Henking Elementary
Tracey Kelley
Henking Elementary
Cynthia Serrato & Clint Rappole
Alexandra Virlas
Hoffman Elementary
Hotton Family
Amy Franco
Hoffman Elementary
The Heredia Family
Craig Tomaszewski
Hoffman Elementary
The Novak Family
Eden Finer
Hoffman Elementary
Guy Huff
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Katie Apajalahti
Hoffman Elementary
Thomas Borree
Mara Caplan Pierce
Hoffman Elementary
The Thompson Family
Mary Beth Engelman
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Matt Vitacco
Hoffman Elementary
Thomas Borree
Susan Clarke
Hoffman Elementary
Lau Family
Caroline Bedell
Lyon Elementary
The White Family
Kate Orbon
Lyon Elementary
The Straseskes
Kristi Miller
Lyon Elementary
The McColgan Family
Laura Harris
Lyon Elementary
Scahill Family
Rachael Carlson
Lyon Elementary
Randall Family
Vaughn Frye
Lyon Elementary
Bo Koch
Elizabeth Cutler
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Maeve White
Jennifer Jorgenson
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Laura Zerull
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Maya Tomita
Lisa Cronk
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
The McColgan Family
Marguerite Cole
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Soupos Family
Angelina Wernette
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Ashley Ubik
Springman Middle School
Rumyana Krouleva
Courtney O'Sullivan
Springman Middle School
Deyanira Cardenas
Springman Middle School
Aarushi Pattani
Elizabeth Lemons
Springman Middle School
Aarushi Pattani
Eve Kaiser
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Jenny Bronski
Springman Middle School
Vanessa Ward
Joshua Dunham
Springman Middle School
Franklin Borree and Family
Kathryn Grodecki
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Ken Malatesta
Springman Middle School
Sydney Sadens
Nathan Dewey
Springman Middle School
Rychard Nagy
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Sean Kelley
Springman Middle School
Matthew Garcia
Caroline Hickey
Westbrook Elementary
The Dempster-Smith Family
Emily Borkowski
Westbrook Elementary
Souder Family
Jennifer Licato
Westbrook Elementary
The Karagiorgos Family
Kacie Bratko
Westbrook Elementary
The Bui Family
Kacie Bratko
Westbrook Elementary
The Moll Family
Lisa Sulak
Westbrook Elementary
Rhee family
Brandon Rich
Attea Middle School
Arif and Kate Ahmed
Christine Ellis
Attea Middle School
Dina Grammas
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Laurie Ford
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Lisa Downey
Attea Middle School
Allison Hoppe
Lola Rascon
Attea Middle School
Tracy Cook-Estes
Maura Stanton
Attea Middle School
Luca Falleroni
Misha Quintana
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Sarah Marcucci
Attea Middle School
The Garman Family
Katie Siegel
D34 Administration
Soupos Family
Emily Burch
Glen Grove Elementary
Sunyoung Lee
Sandra Richardson
Glen Grove Elementary
Brandon Kang
Susan Spreckman
Glen Grove Elementary
The Moll Family
Diana Luna
Henking Elementary
Casey Family
Evan Kedjidjian
Henking Elementary
Casey Family
Heather Kubit
Henking Elementary
The Ehehalt Family
Jenny Schack
Henking Elementary
The Halik Family
Jude Sweilem
Henking Elementary
Groman-Marrese Family
Julie Hock
Henking Elementary
Jake Salmon
Kristen Sink
Henking Elementary
The Halik Family
Meghan Cassidy
Henking Elementary
Hina Bhimani-Khowaja
Molly Orman
Henking Elementary
Michelle Greenhaw
Sarah Richards
Henking Elementary
Sarajlic Family
Alexandra Virlas
Hoffman Elementary
John Blackshaw
Allison Greene
Hoffman Elementary
Groman-Marrese Family
Andrew Babcock
Hoffman Elementary
Sunyoung Lee
Craig Tomaszewski
Hoffman Elementary
The Heredia Family
Emily Burgett
Hoffman Elementary
The Salmons
Jaime Biehl
Hoffman Elementary
Laura and Enza Quaid
Kelly O'Hara
Hoffman Elementary
Meghan Gill
Mara Caplan Pierce
Hoffman Elementary
The Lindsay Family
Matt Vitacco
Hoffman Elementary
Cynthia Serrato & Clint Rappole
Mike Verzani
Hoffman Elementary
Cynthia Serrato & Clint Rappole
Alexandra Johanneson
Lyon Elementary
Randall Family
Erin Lappe
Lyon Elementary
Kate Orbon
Lyon Elementary
Kai Tomita
Kristi Miller
Lyon Elementary
The Straseskes
Mary Hoyland
Lyon Elementary
The Poticha Family
Sara Henning
Lyon Elementary
Bo Koch
Danielle del Rio
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Lynne Shutan
Elizabeth Pleszkun
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Jennifer Jorgenson
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Brian and Tina Sprague
Laura Zerull
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Niall Ali
Lisa Cronk
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Morgan Nuetzmann
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Ashley Ubik
Springman Middle School
Lewk Schiestel
Colleen Lueder
Springman Middle School
Buffy Sallee
Crosbie Lind
Springman Middle School
Buffy Sallee
Deyanira Cardenas
Springman Middle School
The Chang Family
Elizabeth Lemons
Springman Middle School
Jenna Bauer
Springman Middle School
Jessica Keleher
Springman Middle School
The Pretty Family
Julianne Tripple
Springman Middle School
Aarushi Pattani
Kathryn York
Springman Middle School
Manos Ginis
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Nicole Wilkerson
Springman Middle School
Aarushi Pattani
Sabina Beyer
Springman Middle School
Gray family
Valerie Jones
Springman Middle School
Coraline Dubois
Westbrook Elementary
Renata Hackley
Jamie Rappoport
Westbrook Elementary
Arif and Kate Ahmed
Julie Carlin
Westbrook Elementary
Rhee family
Kacie Bratko
Westbrook Elementary
The Dawson Family
Karin Meister
Westbrook Elementary
The Moll Family
Patrick Hoeft
Westbrook Elementary
The Moll Family